(2) The number 97-MPC002-4618C-7G1B2 is an example of a cross-reference USARCRC
number. The first two digits are the last two numbers of the calendar year. The second group of
numbers is the MPC number for the reporting law enforcement element.
(3) The third group of numbers is the sequential case number from the block of numbers
allocated to the preparing military police agency by the parent MACOM. This is a four-digit number
followed by one alpha character. In your example, 4618C would indicate the case sequence number.
(4) The fourth group of numbers will be the offense code. This is the code for the most
serious offense related to the incident. If the most serious offense was "burglary in a family dwelling,"
offense code 7C1B would be used. This grouping may contain two to five digits, depending on the type
offense. The codes may be found in AR 190-45 and in the extract at the end of this subcourse.
(5) When the MP report pertains to a case referred to CID, the CID case number will be
placed in this block of the report. The CID case number can be obtained from the CID element. When
the report is not forwarded either to the USACRC, or CID, this block is left blank.
d. Addresses. Only forwarded MPRs are addressed. The "THRU" space is used for the address
of the commander of the receiving unit's next higher headquarters. The "TO" space is used for the
address of the commander receiving the report. The "FROM" block contains the typed address of the
law enforcement element which prepares the report. When the report is signed "for the commander,"
and it tasks the receiving commander to respond, the address in the "FROM" block should reflect the
commander and use an ATTN line to specify the provost marshal office. For example:
e. Report Type/Status. The Report Type/Status block is used by the MP to identify the type of
report and the status of the MP and commander's actions. There may be more than one space checked.
The Commander's Action Completed block will be checked on the PM file copy upon receipt of
completed DA Form 4833, Commander's Report of Disciplinary or Administrative Action.
You can see that two blocks were checked in Figure 2-1: "Complaint," and "Commander's Action."