sign the reports is entered (all caps). This includes name, rank, branch, and organizational title.
a. Initial reports are prepared in one copy by the desk sergeant or the MP making the report.
Final reports are prepared in the number of copies set by local policy.
b. A minimum of three copies are made when an incident falls into one of the following four
o Violations of Articles 111 through 133, UCMJ. These are felony offenses such as rape,
o Violations of Articles.77-85, 87-110, and 134, UCMJ, when the maximum punishment is
o Offenses which result in revocation or suspension of driving privileges or the assessment
of six or more points as outlined in AR 190-5 (for example, driving under the influence
(DUI), or reckless driving).
o An offense under the Assimilative Crimes Act (18 USC 13) or other federal statutes with
no corresponding MCM offenses for which a maximum of six months or more
c. When an incident falls under one of the above categories, the distribution will be:
o Original--forwarded to USACRC. Information will be forwarded to the CRC even if the
subject never serves the sentence.
o First copy--filed in PMO files.
o Second copy--forwarded to the commander.
d. Remember that DA Form 3975 is also used as a forwarding document for other MP forms.
They are DD Form 1805 and DA form 3946. These two forms are discussed below.
DD Form 1805, Violation Notice.
a. DD Form 1805 is used when a U.S. Magistrate Court is available to cite offenders of minor
violations including parking offenses, moving traffic offenses, and some nontraffic offenses. Subjects
can be cited for violating state traffic laws which apply to military bases. Violators of fish and wildlife
regulations are also cited on this form.