enough combat power and area damage control (ADC) resources to destroy the enemy and to reduce
damage. This is achieved through:
Effective command relationships and command supervision.
Centralized planning and decentralized execution.
Organic mobility of response forces.
Training and rehearsals.
Prior assessment of the capabilities of bases and facilities to withstand enemy attack. This
assessment is based on commander's assessment of their degree of exposure and their
importance as enemy targets. It assists the commander in allocating resources to protect
personnel, supplies, and facilities corresponding with their importance to the mission.
Rear Operation Tasks
The base and base clusters will prepare their defenses to accomplish the following rear operation
Secure forward support.
Detection of the enemy.
Delay the enemy.
Destroy the enemy.
Each task is discussed in detail below.
Secure forward support. Rear operations must secure and sustain CS and CSS for forward combat
units. This must be done without seriously degrading the capability of the support command in
performing its primary mission.
Detection. Detection of the enemy is the duty of every soldier in the rear area. This is done by
observation, recon, and surveillance during all weather and light conditions and on any terrain. MP will
be patrolling road networks and key terrain throughout the rear area. Transportation personnel,
maintenance support teams, and all users and movers in the rear area must provide information about
any and all unusual or suspected activity. Use active and passive measures to counter enemy
intrusions. Detection efforts include the use of day and night observation devices, communications and
These are employed to provide early warning of enemy infiltration attempts or the use of chemicals or
nuclear weapons. They also aid in preventing reactions to false alarms. This could be movements by
friendly persons, defectors, or refugees.
Delay. Rear operations must hinder the enemy's progress enough after detection to provide adequate
time for friendly forces to react. This is done by setting up a base of fire, also, by employing mines,
boobytraps, wire,