o Emplacement, operation, and maintenance of special observation and detection devices. This
includes sensors, flares, platoon early warning System (PEWS), and remotely employed
sensors (REMS).
o Cross-training in all communications equipment available within the unit and in communication
o Obstacle construction and mines and boobytrap emplacement.
o Counterattack, use of rally points, internal and external.
o Use of individual and nonair defense crew-served weapons in an air defense role.
o Nuclear, biological, and chemical (NBC) protective measures.
o Operations security (OPSEC).
o Identification of threat vehicles and equipment.
o Spot reports using SALUTE format.
o Fire support request, coordination, and adjustment.
o Nuclear, biological, and chemical (NBC) training.
The debilitating and lethal effects of NBC weapons pose a great threat to personnel on the battlefield.
Priority targets of the enemy will include nuclear delivery means such as aircraft, missiles, and rocket
sites. In general, targets include:
Rocket sites.
Headquarters of division and higher echelon.
Reserves and troop concentrations.
Chemical attacks on the rear battlefield may require personnel to assume progressively higher mission-
oriented protective posture (MOPP). They may work in full protective clothing for long periods of time.
Wearing protective clothing will impair performance. It will require more time to perform the work, even
the most routine tasks. Also, salvage, recovery, reclassification and maintenance operations may be
hampered by the contamination of damaged equipment. This could require commanders to either start
time-consuming decontamination operations or increase personnel risks to save time. Contamination
may be so acute that equipment may have to be repaired while it is contaminated. Supplies must be
decontaminated before issue. Medical patients must be cleaned of contamination before they are
Unit personnel in rear areas must be trained in the following:
o Contamination avoidance. This is done through NBC recon, detection, and warning of NBC
hazards, and limiting the spread of contamination.
o Protective measures. These include the use of MOPP-both personnel and vehicles, recognition
of NBC alarms and NBC weapon effects, and the ability to administer appropriate self-aid, first
aid, and buddy aid.
o Decontamination operations. These include emergency personnel and equipment or partial
decontamination of personnel and equipment. These training techniques must be integrated
into individual and unit training programs. This will enable rear area units and personnel to
survive and