Figure 3-1. Example of Schedule of Calls
11. Inspections.
Unscheduled and unannounced shakedown inspections will be made of cellblocks, prisoners, and places
where prisoners work. A record will be made of all shakedown inspections and the results. The following steps
are guidelines to illustrate how an inspection should be conducted:
a. Cellblock. Prisoners are removed from the cellblock. An effort should be made to not disturb or
damage a prisoner's quarters or personal effects more than necessary. When the shakedown inspection has been
completed, neatly replace all items that had been moved. Search the bunks, bunk displays, and clothing and
equipment. The mattress and cover, pillow and pillowcase, and other bedding should be inspected along with
the bunk or cot. Examine health and comfort items such as toothpaste, shaving cream, soap and dish, writing
materials, and books. Do not read the prisoner's mail. However, it may be searched for unauthorized material.
b. Common Area. Systematically and thoroughly search the common area working in a clockwise manner
looking for unauthorized or contraband items. Examine doors, doorframes, seals, jambs, and locks. Check
crevices in walls and ceilings, inspect lighting, heating and plumbing fixtures, and areas behind baseboards and
moldings. Also, examine windows, frames, seals, and behind sashes.