work closely together. From the operational mission, the PM and his staff may observe certain problem
areas. The unit commander can then include those areas in his training or other programs to assist in
correcting them. It must be a team effort.
On those installations that have Department of Defense or contract personnel, the same problems still
apply. Civilian guard and police forces must receive in-service training, go on leave, etc.
All of these factors must be taken into consideration when determining the availability of personnel and
equipment for patrol duty.
Analyze Statistical Data
The PM has most of the data needed to make a careful analysis of past events. Data that can be used
to project future and current police needs are often generated by the normal receipt of complaints and
the dispatching of patrols. Some of the key data that are required for developing a patrol distribution
plan are:
o Means of receipt of request/complaint.
o Location of event.
o Date/time complaint received.
o Date/time event occurred.
o Patrol unit(s) to which assigned.
o Date/time dispatched.
o Date/time arrived at event.
o Date/time assignment completed.
The number of complaints received per month varies markedly during the course of the year. This may
be the result of many factors. Weather may be such a factor, as are the comparative hours of daylight
and darkness. Other factors may include the movement of troop units. Some installations experience
a substantial increase in troop strength during the summer months, when units of the reserve
components conduct their annual training there. Other installations may have units that are regularly
deployed for periods of time to Europe for training.