The work hours are then distributed based on the percentage of complaints received per day of the
week for each shift. Any numbers that must be rounded are rounded up when the decimal is 0.5 or
higher. Note that in the results illustrated in Figure 6, 28 work hours have been assigned to Sunday on
the 0001-0800 shift. This converts to 3.5 MP (28 divided by 8-hour day). A decision must be made on
whether to use three or four individuals on this shift. In this example, it was decided to use three. The
four "extra" hours were transferred to another day on the same shift. Work hours should not be moved
in these type instances from shift to shift, but from day to day within the same shift.
The procedure is followed throughout the other shifts and days. Figure 7 illustrates the results of this
process. A total of 33 individuals have been used. The two remaining can provide emergency
replacements and be used for selective enforcement operations.
Establish Numbers and Types of Patrols
The final step in the preparation of the patrol distribution plan is to determine the number and types of
patrols, and their patrol areas. There are many different ways to patrol. The method, or combination of
methods, is based on statistical analysis and professional evaluation. Some of the factors that must be
considered are: