Directed Patrol
In contrast to the routine patrol, a unit may be specifically designated to perform a selected activity.
This is done as a part of the overall patrol plan. A directed patrol is usually not available to respond to
other calls, except for selected emergencies. Directed patrols may be used for such things as escorts,
selected traffic control posts, or certain crime prevention activities. Some directed patrol activity can be
accomplished by routine patrols, depending on the workload. If there are only a small number of
escorts, for example, it may not be effective to dedicate one patrol to that activity, which routine patrol
units can handle on a temporary basis. Another kind of directed activity that can sometimes be handled
by routine patrols are those that do not require the patrol to "go out of service." An example might be
building checks. On the other hand, if there are a large number of building checks to be made, such as
at a depot, it may be more effective to use a directed patrol.
Split Patrol
The idea behind this method is that a patrol force in a given area may be more effective if split into
"reactive" and "proactive" patrol units. This typically means that reactive units will have the
responsibility of answering all service calls. Proactive units are responsible for preventive action
patrols. There are several ways the split can be effected. One way fixes the proportion of units
organizationally. Another method is to allow the individual patrol units to periodically switch roles. A
third variation is to have proactive units involved in directed patrol missions on a systematic basis.
One vs. Two Man Patrols
There are advantages and disadvantages to one and two man patrols. Careful consideration must be
given before reaching a decision as to which type to employ. In many cases a mix of the two may be
One-man patrols have the advantage of doubling the number of patrols in the patrol force. Several
civilian police studies have demonstrated that one-man patrols made more arrests, had fewer citizen
complaints, and had certain safety advantages. It must be remembered, however, that military
policemen are generally younger and less experienced than their civilian counterparts. Additionally,
military policemen have received different types of training