We, the undersigned, certify that on (Date) , per AR 195-5, a joint inventory was conducted of
the evidence in the depository. All evidence was properly accounted for (with no exceptions or
with the following exceptions).
(Signature of Officer)
(Signature of Evidence Custodian)
(Printed Name, Grade, Unit)
(Letter or DF, Issuing HQ)
Change of Custodian Inventories
A joint physical inventory of all evidence in the depository must be conducted by the incoming and outgoing
primary evidence custodians upon permanent change of the evidence custodian.
Joint inventories by the incoming and outgoing primary evidence custodians may be conducted in conjunction
with quarterly inventories by disinterested officers appointed as inventory officers. However, each type of
inventory must be recorded separately. All evidence records must be carefully examined during the joint
inventory to ensure proper documentation and accountability. All discrepancies must be resolved by the
individual relinquishing custody of the evidence prior to transfer of accountability. There is no requirement for a
joint inventory to be taken when the alternate custodian replaces the primary evidence custodian for 30 days or
less. If it is known that the primary evidence custodian will be absent for more than 30 days, a joint inventory
must be conducted prior to departure of the primary evidence custodian and another inventory must be
accomplished upon return of the primary custodian. The primary and the alternate evidence custodian physically
check the newly acquired evidence for proper markings and packing. They also check the safeguarding of fragile
evidence which requires special handling. A temporary or permanent change of custodian inventories must be
entered in the evidence ledger immediately below the last entry and signed by the incoming primary custodian
and the outgoing primary custodian as follows:
(Name) , on (Date) , assumed all duties of the primary evidence custodian during the
temporary absence of the regularly appointed custodian.
I accept responsibility and
accountability for all evidence contained in the evidence room.
(Signature of Alternate Evidence Custodian)
When a permanent change of primary evidence custodian is made, each original and first copy of the DA Form
4137 in the document file must be signed by the outgoing and incoming evidence custodians. (See Figure 2-23.)
The signing of each DA Form 4137 that is still active is, in addition to the following entry, placed in the evidence