For this file, the first copy of DA Form 4137 is detached from the original and put in suspense. The title of the
file corresponds to the reason the evidence was temporarily released. There are three major types of suspense
USACIL--for evidence sent to laboratories.
ADJUDICATION--for evidence released to Article 32 investigation officers, courts, staff judge
advocate (SJA) officers, and other persons for legal proceedings.
PENDING DISPOSITION APPROVAL--when the original is sent to the SJA for approval of
disposition. See Figure 2-16.
Other types of suspense files may be needed as management tools.
Figure 2-16. Suspense Files.
Disposition of Evidence
After final disposition of evidence has been made, put the original voucher in a separate evidence voucher file.
File number 195-5a has been set up for this purpose. It will be maintained in the evidence room. The vouchers
will be disposed of in accordance with AR 25-400-2. After the original voucher has been filed, any remaining
vouchers may be destroyed.
When the voucher pertains to a Report of Investigation (ROI) or Military Police Report (MPR), a copy will be
forwarded to the US Army Crime Records Center (USACRC) as an exhibit to the final report. If the evidence
was collected after the final report was submitted, a copy of the voucher will be