Figure 2-19. Signatures in Evidence Ledger.
Figure 2-20. Evidence Ledger End of Year Entry.
The evidence depository is most often a room constructed for the specific purpose of securing evidence.
Circumstances may dictate the use of some other type of structure, area, or container. Evidence custodians must
be aware of the acceptable standards required of a structure that is not constructed to current requirements. It is
the responsibility of each custodian to see that the depository meets current standards as covered in Chapter 4 of
AR 195-5. When you assume duties as an evidence custodian, conduct your own inspection of the security
standards. (See Figure 2-21.)
These requirements may not have been incorporated in the original construction of the depository. If deficiencies
are noted, bring them to the attention of the appropriate commander and submit a work order to make the desired
change. Retain a copy of the work order on file for IG inspections.