Classified information may prevent some intelligence from reaching MPs or local law
enforcement agencies. It is because of this that the sharing of intelligence at Threat
Committee meetings is so important, as it allows the user and not just the analyst to benefit
from the information.
Analyzation/Dissemination. The new data must be compared with existing data. This will help to
determine new trends and to identify terrorist individuals and groups. Determine if it is pertinent,
reliable, and/or applicable. The information is disseminated by the most secure and expedient methods
possible. To disseminate data rapidly, keep it in unclassified format whenever possible. This will
ensure the greatest distribution of data. Information intelligence must be in the hands of the command
authority in time to be used.
Crime Prevention: Operational, Personnel, and Physical Security Crime prevention is an essential
element to the proactive phase of counterterrorist planning.
Operational security. The security of day-to-day operations is easily overlooked. Operational security
(OPSEC) is vital to the strength of your installation. The security of communications system information
activities and human communications should be closely examined. Counter-surveillance techniques
must be used when possible. Information learned about terrorists can provide firsthand knowledge
about potential targets. The basic objectives of operational security are described below.
Avoid stereotyping operations. Changing procedures on a random basis confuses a potential
adversary. The degree of randomness can be increased by changing patrol routes on different days of
the week. Change patrol schedules, or assign personnel to different areas and shifts.
Understand techniques used by terrorists to collect intelligence. These are displayed in Figure 3-6.
Protect information. It is the cornerstone of the OPSEC program. It is essential to prevent terrorists
from discovering or buying information which could be of value to them in planning an attack.
Personnel Security.
Terrorists select specific people as targets for kidnapping, extortion, hostage-taking, and assassination.
They may be selected as a target by their rank or for their knowledge. The objectives of personnel
security are to develop programs which include planning, education, and awareness.
These programs help to inform as many people as possible of the terrorist threat. This can be through
briefings, seminars and presentations on and off-post. A partial list of personal preventive measures is
included below: