by the custodian do not exceed 0, the fund custodian is authorized to keep the prisoners'
personal fund deposits in the confinement facility safe or in another suitable depository.) In
instances where a depository is located at a distance, precluding daily deposits, separate deposits
will be prepared for each day's receipts and deposited in the depository as often as practicable.
Pending deposit, these receipts will be secured in a safe, physically separated from other funds.
It is required that receipts accumulated in excess of
,000 be deposited on the next banking day.
In any event, all receipts on hand at the end of the month must be deposited not later than the
second day of the following month. Checks received (other than personal) will be immediately
endorsed for deposit to the fund and promptly deposited in the bank for collection. No
individual withdrawals will be approved that cover the amount of the check items presented for
collection until the checks have been cleared by the depository. No individual prisoner's
accounts will be credited for personal checks forwarded for collection until after the checks are
cleared by the depository.
d. Petty Cash. Appropriate commanders are authorized to establish a petty cash fund other
than the one mentioned above, the amount of which may be at their discretion. This fund will be
a part of the personal deposit funds with amounts being obtained from the available balance in
the prisoner's personal deposit fund depository account. The establishment, replenishment, and
management of petty cash funds will be according to the procedures discussed below.
e. Individual Purchases. Funds in a prisoner's personal deposit fund deposited in a
depository or in a petty cash fund are withdrawn and disbursed when health and comfort supplies
or authorized special items are purchased. Or, funds are withdrawn when money is forwarded to
authorized persons such as dependents, Internal Revenue Service personnel, or the Treasurer of
the United States. Requests for expenditures of funds from prisoners' accounts are made to the
custodian. DD Form 504 (Request and Receipt for Health and Comfort Supplies) (figure 5-3)
will be used for processing requests for the purchase of authorized health and comfort supplies.
Requests for the purchase of other special items and for forwarding money elsewhere will be
made on DA Form 1130-R (Statement of Personal Fund Account and Request for Withdrawal of
Personal Funds) (figure 5-4). By reconciling the form with the individual receipt vouchers, the
prisoner will be able to calculate the amount of his balance on deposit in the personal deposit
f. Petty Cash Voucher. Expenditures made through a petty cash fund require the cashier of
the fund to obtain a signed DA Form 1128 (Petty Cash Voucher--Personal Deposit Fund) from
persons for whom petty cash disbursements will be made. This is normally accomplished after
DD Form 504 or DA Form 1140 has been prepared and approved. DA Form 1128 will be
prepared in triplicate. The original (blank copy) goes to the prisoner, the duplicate copy (red
copy) goes to the accounting department, and the triplicate copy (green copy) is retained by the
cashier. Petty cash fund expenditures will not exceed for any single authorized item. If the
prisoner's account does not exceed , payment of the entire amount will be made in cash. The
entries will be consolidated and assigned one voucher number. The total petty cash vouchers for
the day will be posted under "Expenditures." Supporting documents for petty cash expenditures
will be attached to the applicable petty cash voucher. DA Form 1128 has a prenumbered cashier
receipt number (upper right hand corner) for internal control purposes. It includes a blank space
for insertion of a daily voucher number. At the end of each business day, individual petty cash