Its purpose is to provide double accountability and to cross reference custody
Evidence Custodian.
a. Prerequisite.
He must meet the requirements of AR 195-5.
b. Appointment.
The evidence custodian will be appointed in writing as an
additional duty.
c. Responsibilities.
The evidence custodian is responsible for:
(1) Accountability, preservation,
received in the depository.
(2) Maintenance of all evidence records.
(3) Protection of evidence from loss, deterioration, and unnecessary
appointment as the primary custodian.
e. Transfer of responsibilities.
(1) The alternate custodian will assume all duties and responsibilities
in the temporary absence of the primary custodian.
(2) Temporary absence is to be for a period of more than 1 duty day and
not more than 30 days.
(3) Upon assuming duties, the alternate custodian will enter and sign
the following statement in the evidence ledger. Entry will be made just below
the last prior entry:
, on
, assumed all duties of the primary
I accept responsibility and accountability for all evidence
contained in the evidence room.
(Signature of Alternate Evidence Custodian)
(4) When the primary evidence custodian returns, he has certain duties.
He must ensure that entries on evidence records are correct and accurate. Such
entries will be related, of course, to all evidence that was received,
released, and disposed of. After accuracy, accountability, and documentation
have been properly determined, this custodian has one more duty. He will enter
and sign the following statement in the evidence ledger. Entry will be made
just below the last prior entry.