, on
, resume my position as primary
evidence custodian and accept responsibility and accountability for all
evidence contained in the evidence room.
(5) Sometimes the primary custodian may find that the alternate has made
an incorrect or inaccurate entry. If this occurs, it will be brought to the
attention of the appropriate supervisor.
The primary custodian will also
prepare a certificate.
On it he will outline the error and what action was
taken to correct it. The original of this certificate will be filed with the
applicable custody document.
Or, it may be placed in a file folder under
number 310-2C if the error does not apply to a custody document.
a. This ledger is to be prepared in a bound book.
It will provide
accountability through cross-reference with the custody document.
b. It will be prepared in six columns spanning the spaces of two facing
pages of the ledger.
c. Column headings are, as a minimum, placed on the first double page of
the ledger. They are also placed on the first pages of a new calendar year.
d. Detailed content under each heading is as follows:
(1) Document Number and Date Received. The document number is a two-
digit group number given each custody document.
It is made up of the
chronological number given each successive document. This number is followed
by the last two digits of the year, such as 6-86.
the report of
investigation (ROI) number may also be entered in this column.
(3) Brief Description of Evidence.
This column may also include the
item numbers from the custody document.
(4) Date of Final Disposition. This can be for one item or for a group
when they are disposed of on the same date.
(5) Final Disposition. A brief note on the means of final disposition
is entered in this column opposite the item's description. When all items in
the entry have been disposed of in the same manner, the means of a disposal may
be listed once, preceded by the words "all items" (e.g., all items burned).
(6) Remarks.
This column is used to record any information deemed
other document numbers or names of owners. Data may also include subject,